Town Plan Update
The Shoreham Planning Commission is seeking community input!
Shoreham's Town Plan (2016) captures the town's vision for long-term preservation and development goals, supporting residents and businesses, and working toward a resilient and sustainable future. The Town Plan must also meet state-mandates requirements. You can find the current Town Plan [here] or at the Town Office.
The Shoreham Planning Commission is looking for feedback from residents and businesses as they work to update the Town Plan. Here are some prompting questions to consider:
What is your vision for the Town of Shoreham? What would you like to see in Shoreham for your household, friends, or coworkers?
What does Shoreham need in order to achieve that vision? (E.g., parks, sidewalks, housing, public transit, businesses, zoning changes, events, staff capacity, etc.)
What characteristics of or landmarks in Shoreham are the most important to you? (E.g., farms, people, historic buildings, gathering places, waterfront access, etc.)
Should anything be added to the history of Shoreham that is important to you and the community as a whole?
Do you strongly agree or disagree with any of the proposed goals and actions in the existing Shoreham Town Plan?
Would you like to see any goals or actions added to the Town Plan?
Do you find the plan easy or difficult to read? How would you improve its accessibility or formatting?
To answer these questions, ask your own, and share comments with the Planning Commission, call the Town Office at (802) 897-5841 or send an email to [shorehamtown@shorehamvt.us]